Alternative Guide to Singapore (AltSingapore) was launched in January 2014 and is a personal project geared towards changing a prevailing perception that Singapore, due to its high-functioning infrastructure and material-focused culture, is a sterile and boring city. This prevailing perception is in some ways valid but there are pockets of areas around the city where simple dwellers and exciting innovators are enlivening the city every day -- their activities are just buried beneath the polished cityscape of Singapore.

In order to illuminate their work in the form of "local" and "hipster" establishments, AltSingapore plays the part of a curator by piecing together fragmented information found through various sources, be it word-of-mouth or via the internet. Combined with on-the-ground observations, AltSingapore hopes to foster a modern appreciation for urban culture amongst the people who call, or have come to call, Singapore home.

This project lives mostly on Facebook to enable quick-response updates and ease-of-access for the end user. 

  • Interested in understanding the details of AltSingapore's mission statement? Read on here.
  • Read here about the observations and insights that inspired the birth of AltSingapore.

AltSingapore would not have sustained and thrived for so long if it were not for the efforts of my passionate co-collaborator to provide timely updates of the art scene in Singapore: May Leong. She is also currently igniting her own start up called Hyphen [-] - which works to conceptualize and connect artists, musicians, academics and event builders across disciplines to create meaningful artistic projects. And it is already making its mark on Singapore's creative landscape.


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