Notes on Rules of A Working Environment (WIP)

Application: Individual level principles to apply in social interactions at the work place.

1. Be curious - Always ask questions and learn, learn, learn.
2. Be patient - Always try to answer questions and teach, teach, teach. There are no stupid questions, just varied learning paces. By being patient and teaching others, you will also learn something (anything even) in the process.
3. Be responsible - If a mistake is made, follow these steps: take ownership, apologize, assess and then fix it.
4. Be accepting - If someone makes a genuine mistake, understand the decisions and the situation that led up to the mistake. Everyone is human and sometimes circumstances do lead up to a wrong decision.
5. Be understanding - Everyone is built differently. It is impossible for us all to hold the same perspective.
6. Be rational - Every act comes with a reason, no matter how conscious or unconscious. Observe and prioritize these reasons in your head, and come to an agreement on which reason holds more weight. Do this before coming into conflict with your work neighbor unnecessarily. 
7. Be sensitive - Making fun of someone is encouraged as it fosters relationships, BUT only with subject matter that is not personal to the individual. The more un-factual it is, the better. These jokes should not hit too close to home. If someone is tall, make fun of him being short. It also should not be repeated incessantly (it get's annoying after awhile). 
8. Be balanced - Use language and explanations that highlight both sides of the argument.
9. Be open - Ideas form when we do all of the above.